Butter Boards are a hit at parties this Holiday season! And for good reason – they are beautiful, delicious and easy to do. This TikTok trend will have your party guests in awe of your trendiness.
Butter Boards start off with the highest quality butter (or you can use a good cream cheese or soft goat cheese). The toppings are up to you, either savory or sweet – or half of each. The most difficult decision is what toppings to add, and that is according to your preferences.
Remember that a savory Board usually needs some onion, garlic or both to round out the flavor profile. A mild crunchy ingredient like pine nuts, or even cheese to enhance the umami works well.
Sweet Boards do best with a combination of sweet toppings like jams/jellies (hot pepper jellies are awesome), syrups and fruits plus something textural like chopped nuts (walnuts, pecans, sliced almonds)
Don’t forget the bread! I prefer rustic, whole grain breads that I pre-slice and present next to the Board. Depending on the base spread, you can use rolls, scones, biscuits or even crackers.
You will need:
- 1 lb. high quality butter, softened until spreadable
- Large cutting board or serving platter to accommodate butter spread to 8” X 11”
- Rounded knife or spatula
Here are toppings that I used in this picture, using 2-3 tablespoons of each:
- Thyme leaves
- Rosemary leaves, chopped
- Sage leaves
- Oregano leaves
- Pomegranate seeds
- Pesto (thinned with a high-quality extra virgin olive oil to drizzling consistency)
- Green onion, sliced thin
- Pistachios
Pro Tip:
If there is leftover butter, scrape the extra onto a length of plastic wrap while it is soft. Roll the butter into a cylinder and refrigerate.
This herbed butter can be used to flavor future dishes in many ways – as a spread on rolls, to flavor scrambled eggs, melted onto steamed vegetables, sautéing fish, melted over a hot steak… Your options are limitless!
Butter Boards
Butter Boards start off with the highest quality butter (or you can use a good cream cheese or soft goat cheese). The toppings are up to you, either savory or sweet – or half of each. The most difficult decision is what toppings to add, and that is according to your preferences.

Thoroughly wash and dry your serving surface. Cover and cool on a refrigerated shelf for 10 – 15 minutes. Remove from refrigerator.
Using about 1 oz. at a time of softened butter, artfully make smear swirls at regular intervals on the board. Be sure to apply enough butter that a guest can lift butter and herbs with one swipe of a knife.
Sprinkle herbs evenly across the butter.
Present with your bread of choice.
If there is leftover butter, scrape the extra onto a length of plastic wrap while it is soft. Roll the butter into a cylinder and refrigerate.