I know so many men and women who are afraid to cook, it makes me sad.
So friends, family – and my beloved It Tastes Like Love© customers – my daughter has convinced me that since I have been enjoying my hobby-turned-small baking business for the past twelve years, it just might be time to share some of my hard won expertise with you. I mean, I have so many personally proven recipes that I have run out of room to store them. I’ve learned from my mother and grandmother, then developed my own knowledge over the years. Now I want to share my experiences with everyone who feels like a beginner at this cooking stuff. You’re not alone; just remember that you can learn from mistakes and turn out a stunningly delicious dish the very next time. We’ve got this. Join me for your next cooking adventure!
This space is starting off small, so you will see periodic updates that will flesh out my content across recipe categories. I’ll try to keep to weekly additions – I don’t like clutter in my own mailbox! But what you will see is a range of recipes from tasty baked sweets to main dishes to special occasion recipes, depending on what is going on in my life and which of my family’s recipes I’ve pulled out for the situation. Particularly for my It Tastes Like Love customers, email me at info@HarriettsCooking.com with suggestions for what to post next. (I miss you guys!)
So, keep checking back to see what’s new. Better yet, subscribe with the button on the right to receive recipe updates as they are published, and follow me on Instagram! You’ll get new dishes plus old standbys as I release them.
And hopefully you will gain an understanding about some particular dish that will give you a creative inspiration of your own. Let me know, that would make me very happy.
Multi-Grain Bread Pat’s Never-Enough Meatloaf Spinach Quiche
“Join me on your next cooking adventure!”