I expect a lot when I am served home-baked ham slices. When I eat ham I always expect the deliciousness that my mother infused into our hams with cloves, brown sugar, mustard and oranges. Those mouth watering aromas would seep out of our oven while it was baking, driving the whole family to distraction. The best taste of all was that first chunk of hot ham, glazed with this sweet, flavor-filled topping that is SO easy!
Mustard Orange Ham Glaze
My mother infused flavor into our hams with cloves, brown sugar, mustard and oranges. Those mouth watering aromas would seep out of our oven while it was baking, driving the whole family to distraction.

Preheat oven to 325°F
Remove all plastic wrapping and inserts from ham. Place ham on cutting board.
With a sharp paring knife, score the ham by drawing the knife, about 1/2 inch deep, horizontally across the ham in long, even tracks 1 inch apart. Score the ham again, drawing your knife vertically over the ham; the intersecting score marks should form squares or diamonds when you finish. Don't worry about making the squares exactly even, you just want a good number of squares.
Push the whole cloves into the score intersections throughout the ham.
Place the ham into a large roasting pan and pour the 1/4 cup of orange juice over the ham to cover the bottom of the pan.
Cover the roaster with its own lid or, if that lid won't fit, aluminum foil draped over the edges of the roaster and crimped to seal in the steam.
Place in 325°F degree oven and bake for 12 minutes per pound, or until meat thermometer inserted into thickest part of ham reads 140°F degrees.
While ham is baking, combine brown sugar, mustard, honey, ground cloves and orange rind, Stir to make a thick syrupy consistency.
When ham has heated to 140°F degrees, remove from oven. Turn oven up to 400°F degrees.
Remove lid/foil from ham and spoon glaze over top of ham. Start at the top of the ham because the glaze will thin out and run down the ham once it heats up. Make sure the glaze covers the entire ham.
Return ham to oven, uncovered, for 15 minutes, basting at 5 minute intervals.
Roast until the ham browns to a deep, golden brown.
Remove from oven and let cool.